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Ad hoc announcements

Squeeze-out merger: Compensation review proceedings filed

Lausanne – As expected, the investors Knight Vinke and Merion Capital have each filed for compensation review proceedings against the squeeze-out…

Robust business model, even during a pandemic

Michel Kolly joins the Alpiq Executive Board

Lausanne – The Alpiq Board of Directors has appointed Michel Kolly (53) as a full Member of the Alpiq Executive Board and Head of the Digital &…

General Meetings of Alpiq and of Alpha approve squeeze-out merger

Lausanne – At today’s 12th Annual General Meeting in Lausanne, the shareholders of Alpiq Holding Ltd. approved all the proposals put forward by the…

Change in the Board of Directors of Alpiq Holding Ltd.

Lausanne – René Longet, a Member of the Alpiq Board of Directors, has informed the Alpiq Holding Ltd. Board that he will not be standing for…

Annual General Meeting of Alpiq Holding Ltd. to decide on squeeze-out merger

Lausanne – On 13 May 2020, following a motion to this end, the Board of Directors of Alpiq Holding Ltd. decided to submit to the shareholders a…

Earnings expected to recover in 2020

Jens Alder assumes operational management on an interim basis

Lausanne – CEO André Schnidrig (48) has surprisingly been diagnosed with colon cancer. He will consequently not be able to perform his duties as CEO…

Bouygues Construction expands its arbitration claim against Alpiq

Lausanne – In the context of the sale of its Engineering Services business, which was concluded in 2018, the purchasing party Bouygues Construction,…

Kraftanlagen München will appeal against fine imposed by the Federal Cartel Office

Lausanne – In the context of an investigation for anti-competitive behaviour against various companies in the technical building services sector, the…

André Schnidrig appointed as new CEO of Alpiq

SIX Exchange Regulation approves application for delisting of Alpiq shares

Lausanne – Alpiq announces that SIX Exchange Regulation AG, with its decision dated 26 November 2019, has approved Alpiq Holding Ltd.’s application to…

SEFV revision leads to further additional costs for Swiss nuclear power plants

Lausanne – In line with the revision of the Swiss Federal Ordinance on the Decommissioning Fund and the Waste Disposal Fund (SEFV), the Swiss Federal…

Application for delisting of Alpiq shares will be submitted

Lausanne – Alpiq announces that following a motion, the Board of Directors of Alpiq Holding Ltd. has decided to request the delisting of Alpiq shares…

Publication of definitive final result of CSA’s public purchase offer for Alpiq free-float shares

Lausanne – Alpiq announces that Schweizer Kraftwerksbeteiligungs-AG, a subsidiary of CSA Energy Infrastructure Switzerland (CSA), has today published…